News & Events

The Policy Recommendations from the new AI4People Institute’s Report “Towards an Ethics by Design Approach for AI”

The AI4People Institute was set up to help steer the eponymous technology towards the good of society, everyone in it, and the environments we share (...)
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The new AI4People Institute’s Report “Towards an Ethics by Design Approach for AI” is available

AI4People Institute is delighted to publish its new Report “Towards an Ethics by Design Approach for AI” now available.
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Presentation of the AI4People Institute’s Report towards an Ehics by Design Appoach for AI

AI4People Institute thanks all the speakers of the Presentation of the "AI4PEOPLE INSTITUTE’S REPORT TOWARDS AN ETHICS BY DESIGN APPROACH FOR AI"
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Speakers of the AI4People’s Conversation on the AI Act

AI4People Institute thanks all the speakers of the AI4People's Conversation on the AI Act for making the event on Tuesday 21 May a success (...)
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The EU Parliament passes the AI ACT: balancing innovation and protection with a risk-based approach

Today, March 13, 2024, the European Parliament approved the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), the world's first major set of regulatory rules to govern artificial intelligence (...)
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The Hardware Turn in the Digital Discourse: An Analysis, Explanation, and Potential Risk

Traditionally dominated by a focus on the intangible aspects of the digital—bits rather than atoms, especially software, data, services, experiences and interactions—the digital discourse is experiencing a hardware turn, which brings the infrastructure of digital technologies to the fore.


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